Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ladybird SCORE!!

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Today mum and I went to the boot sale following a clear out at home
After mum had finished reading the latest copy of Living she decided to have a walk round the other stalls and I asked her to look out for Ladybird books – unfortunately she misunderstood and returned with these modern versionsI kept laughing that she had redeemed herself a few moments later when she went for a second walk and came back with some of these which I added to on my walk round to see total Ladybird books brought today to 24Look at them all!!!!

I said I didn’t mind how much money we made personally the Ladybird books were worth going anyway!

I’m going to be uploading my Ladybird books to this flickr group and I’ve also decided to set up an Enid Blyton one here to add some of my collection to like those I picked up today

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  1. That's the sort of thing my Mum would do lol!
    Great Enid Blyton books, just about to join your Flickr group then will upload some photos later.
    Take care
    Beki xxx

  2. WOW, Victoria, what a find! I wish I could say I've found anything as grand, but last weekend I did hit a few antique stores and got a couple of old glove cases that I'm thinking to do up with vintage roses, etc. And I found a cute vintage baby dress for my granddaughter's room at Grandma's house! Suzie

  3. Wow! The Read It Yourself books brought back memories ....

  4. Well done, great books. I'm going to check out the Flickr groups now.
    Yvonne x

  5. No car boot sale over here, but the annual book market. I thought of you when I saw some dutch Noddy books, by Enid Blyton. I love the drawings, but I didn't buy them, because I am collecting too much already! I'll check the Flickr site though.

  6. She boots, she scores - RESULT!!!!

    Lots of lovely LB books there - I know your joy (and you know I know) - did you sit down with a cuppa and flick through - Goldilocks is lovely.

    yet again I had a lie in rather than booted - which I always regret.


  7. WoW!! You Mum did good!!! :-)

  8. Hey great haul, your mum looks real relaxed!

  9. I love your old books!
    I didnt get to the boot sale on the weekend, sleeping in sounded like a much better idea to us :)
    But ive already planned my early rising for the coming sunday morning :) I usually go and when I come home, wish i had bought lots of things id seen, silly I know!


  10. ahh bless! my mum would do that too!

  11. What a fab stash of ladybird books!
    You have started me off collecting Enid Blyton books again for my two children - I wish I had kept all of mine! Last weekend at our boots sale I found some lovely Twinkle annuals (about 10 years worth), some Worzel Gummidge books and some Noddy books. I also saw some Garden Gang books (remember them?), but I didn't buy them ( I couldn't carry any more!) I could have kicked myself now! Aren't boot sales fun! Can't wait to see your next finds!
    Sally x

  12. Oh wow Victoria, I love the Ladybird books and the Enid Blyton ones. The ring o bells mystery was one of my favourites and the covers bring back so many warm fuzzy memories... My mum used to buy mine secondhand - I wish I'd kept them all.

    Oh well, something new to collect and then perhaps I'll join your group.

  13. Wonderful! It's always exciting to find something you really want. We haven't been to any sales for awhile and I miss it! Twyla

  14. Hi Victoria, thank you for your lovely comment. I think it is lovely that you planted a rose for your nan with her ashes, such a lovely idea. xxxxxx

  15. That's a brilliant score! Which car boot sale do you go to - I have rather hit and miss luck where I go...


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