Weight Loss Wednesday has rolled around once again and today I’ll be showing you the tools that make my weight loss journey much easier, I mean you wouldn’t begin a sewing project without sharp scissors and good fabric would you?
I choose not to attend
WeightWatchers classes; instead I have my own set of
scales which I can weigh myself on to the ¼lb
These scales have many functions which I’ve yet to explore but I’m content for now to know that I can record even the smallest losses from the comfort of home (and for free!)
WeightWatchers food scales have become invaluable to me; they are so simple to use and even my mum is happy using them and doesn’t find they take up any more time than necessary
People often moan about diets as they don’t want to weigh things as it’s too much effort. If you are thinking like that now and not prepared to change that attitude you are likely to struggle with your weight loss. I too have been of that opinion but there’s a reason I gain weight after eating a big meal – there’s just too much on the plate!
We are quite happy weighing choc chips to bake some cookies and wouldn’t dream of cutting fabric without measuring the correct size so why not apply the same rules the grated cheese we pile on our baked potatoes?
So how do these scales work?
Put your meat, veg, whatever food on the scales, find the correct letter, ie P and scroll to find “potato”. When you press "points" it will tell you how many WeightWatcher points there are. The results from using the scales can be pleasing like when I discovered 2.5 points of Ben & Jerry’s Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream was a bigger portion than expected or shocking when I cut what I thought were "sensible" slices of crusty bread only to discover it was 5 points worth!
Kelly has a set of these scales and finds it useful for portion control as she commented last week. When weighing potatoes for my dinner last week she served herself the same quantity as me rather than eating more than necessary just because she was allowed to on her
Slimming World plan
It’s definitely one to add to the Christmas list and of course works just like normal scales so you could even work out the points of your favourite cake!
I have Kelly to thank for my next tool, the
WeightWatchers calculatorI was initially using the paper version fearing the electronic version too complicated - I was wrong! WW use kcal's and sat fat to work out the points value of foods so your favourite pizza or packet of crisps just punch in a few numbers and the points are revealed
Again the results can be both shocking and pleasing; I had mine with me on a recent shopping trip and was delighted to find that Oreo Cookies (my fave!) are only 1 point each. I'd previously been avoiding them assuming they'd be too high
Do let me know if you have any of these things and how useful you find them