Before my holiday is a distant memory I think it’s time I shared some of the fabulous memories on my blog for posterity.
I’ll avoid a day by day account as well to be frank I bored myself emailing my mum a daily update and gave up after a week but I will spread the posts out of the next couple of days!
So here goes... our holiday began a day early so we could travel to Gatwick 24 hours ahead of our flights departure. This allowed us to check in our bags, secure extra leg room and avoid a crack of dawn start. Once our luggage was on its way we checked in at our hotel for the night. My nephew in particular loves a hotel stay and much fun was had jumping on beds and when we were driving around Florida every time he saw a Holiday Inn sign he’s shout out to us “hotel”!
If you have the funds to allow for this luxury when going on holiday I’d highly recommend it as it certainly takes some of the stress out of travelling. In the morning you have no luggage, we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast in the hotel, shuttle bus to the terminal and then straight through the security checks.
Despite my reservations about a long haul flight with my niece and nephew they were fantastically behaved – even if I spent an hour with my nephew on my lap watching Phineas & Ferb on my tv! My poor SIL had a more difficult time, spending much of the flight across the floor in front of their seats whilst Violet laid out and slept!
Enough about the travelling…. Onto the main event!
Our first couple of days were spent settling in, visiting some of the shops, a trip to SeaWorld and then it was time to visit the Magic Kingdom!
You will not be surprised that this was where the real Disney Magic Moment happened as Brody & Violet met Tinkerbell and her sister Perriewinkle
This was our first character greeting and it (almost!) brought a tear to my eye. We were taken into the Pixie Hollow room and Brody & Violet squealed with excitement at meeting Tink and her sister. The smiles on their faces, the looks of awe at meeting the fairies was priceless. My SIL and I practically skipped out of the room. We were so grateful for the time they spent with B & V to create such a magical experience, playing with Violets dolls etc
Then disaster struck…. This poor little man got chicken pox!
To be continued….