Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Birthday TIme

Things around these parts have been a little sporadic lately as I have celebrated weddings, Easter and today, my birthday so I do hope you bear with me. Celebrations are quiet today after mum and I celebrated at Bob Bob Ricard for lunch and some shopping in London yesterday and this weekend I am Brighton bound with Ben (fire over any recommendations). Normal service will resume shortly.

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  1. Happy Birthday hon,
    Lots of love,

  2. Happy Birthday to yooooooo!!! Big hugs, mwah!

  3. Happy Birthday! Brighton suggestions - 64 Degrees is my favourite restaurant. There's a weird and wonderful bar called the Bees Mouth towards Hove, and a great pub a little walk away from the seafront but worth the journey called The Jolly Poacher :) Enjoy!

    Rosie xx

  4. Happy Birthday, Victoria - do hope it was a good 'un, and there were plentiful cocktails involved! xx

  5. Happy Birthday!!! Fab photo! Have fun in Brighton. x

  6. I hope you have been having wonderful birthday celebrations! Grace xoox

  7. Happy (belated) Birthday - I hope you are celebrating in style! xx


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