Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thirty Day Challenge - Question 1

Your middle name and how you feel about it
My middle name is Mary after my nan and of course for that very reason I love it!
I don't ever remember not liking it even when I was younger.

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  1. You have a very regal name!
    Lovely that your middle name is after someone so loved by you.
    Lisa x

  2. Aww, your dear nan!
    Probably it wasn't so fancy to have a middle name in the 80s in Italy, that's why I do not have one :-(

  3. I did not get a middle name! Both my grandmothers had the same name and no "middle" name and so in Italy 44 years ago that was the deal! Father's Mother's name. My mom said she wanted to put Mary before or after my name since I was born the month of may/Mary and there were issues! So when I received my confirmation I picked Mary! So obviously I love it. lol Grace xoox

  4. I think its so lovely when peoples name has a reason/history, my little boys middle name is his Grandads :) xxx PS. Lets see these lovely teeth!

  5. Ah how lovely to be named after your Nan. x

  6. Lovely to be named after your nan - my son has my dads and my grandads names as i think its nice to honour your nearest and dearest. As for the chair - due to a surprising amount of praise and questions, i'm going to do a how to on the second chair so you can see how its done :o) Scarlett x

  7. My middle name is after my granma too... I think we are both blessed to be named after...hugs, Linda

  8. It's lovely to have been given your Nan's name. I was only given a first name until I was christened, and then the birth record had to be altered to add my middle name.

  9. My middle name is Lynn and I don't mind it.

  10. My middle name is "Elizabeth" and I have always liked it very much! I thought at one time that I would like it to be my first name!

  11. i like this 30 day challenge - i'm off on my hols soon, but i'll do it in a month or so xx

  12. No middle name for me and my sister either. I've always wanted one and did tinker with the idea of giving myself one, I think 3 initials always look so classy! xx

  13. Very nice sensible name!
    My middle name is Megan, hated it when I was young. It's very trendy now but in the 70's no one was called Megan! x

  14. My middle name is Mary, too, after my mother's middle name. Hate it! Wish I'd been given my mum's first name as a middle name which is Suzanne, which I think is a lovely name.

  15. I wish I had my nan's name as my middle name :( I love the name Rosemary and it would of been so nice....instead Im a Lisa, Justine Lisa. My mum choose my first name and dad my middle name, mum liked things a bit diffrent...infact she did want to originally call me Bonnita for some reason???? x

  16. I love yours, mine is Lee after my Dad...not so hot!

  17. Lovely middle name, so old-fashioned which is what I love about it :) My middle name is Louise and I have always liked it :) xxx


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