Rather frustratingly I wrote this post a couple of nights ago when two of the Rodnik Soap & Glory Collaboration giftsets were out of stocks. Last night I saw they had returned and somehow during amending the post I deleted. Frustration at its best and apologies if this post doesn't read at my 'normal standard'. Moans aside today I'm sharing one of two Soap & Glory posts today.
First lets discuss who is this Rodnik? Pihilip Colbert is the designer and creator or the Rodnik label which is inspired by the Pop Art Movement. They also market 'The Rodnik Band' label like a pop brand rather than a traditional fashion house. Rather quirky don't you think? One look around their website you can see why Soap & Glory chose to collaborate with them, they certainly have the same fun and imaginative brands.
There are three hatboxes designs filled with (the same) six Soap & Glory mini products so your only choice is which design you choose. There's Poptastic, a fun popcorn bucket image, the Soap & Glory Matchbox depicting alternative red lipsticks and matches or Dive In the most 'Soap & Glory' of the three in pink with the familar rubber duckie. Each are priced at £12 and would make a fun present for you or your friends.
My friend in the US gave me a heads up on these and let me know that should one of these fall on Santa's sleigh and make it's way to her she'd be rather pleased. Being the kind friend that I am how could I refuse that not so subtle request! Wanting to make another purchase from Soap & Glory and there being a handy 3 for 2 offer at the time I managed to find one making it's way to me also.
My friend had chose Poptastic which I was rather tempted with myself but instead I went for the Matchbox which I was swaying towards anyway. As a smoker and wear of red lipstick it was a perfect choice really.
The 'hatboxes' themselves are rather study and well made for 'a cosmetics bag' and would make an interesting choice for travel. Perhaps not the best shape but perfect for larger or a lot of items these would be great.
What do you make of the Ronik Soap & Glory collaboration?

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