Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sad Loss

(photo of Mick with his family taken only July last year)

Unfortunately my family were dealt a tragic blow last Friday with the passing of my Uncle Mick. Whilst we're glad to see him no longer in pain it has all happened so suddenly only discovering his cancer at the end of 2011.

There will be some difficult times for everyone dealing with this loss so please bare with me if my comments are not as frequent although I intend to return with happier topics in the next few days

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nobodies Perfect!

I bragged about my blank canvas last week but I wanted to share with you the opposite site that is my spare room right now!

I'm allowing the spare room to get somewhat out of hand as I work on de-cluttering and decorating my front room although I do think it's time to get in there and straighten it up a little bit!

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Week

I hope you've all had a fabulous week, here is a round up from including the weekend fun!

I expressed my shock at the price of a few light switch plates and made you all scream "stay away from the electrics"! I asked for your help to save me a few pennies and shared my only sale purchase.

The weekend started early for me on Friday when I was ready to have my kitchen ceiling repaired (finally!) after this debacle although I came home Thursday to find water in my bathroom and this hanging from the ceiling!

What a nightmare! Back on to the letting agent yet again!
Then when they tried to start work on the kitchen ceiling there was more water coming through!!

Stage 1 of the kitchen ceiling is complete and they're returning today to finish off although looking at the repairs I'm not convinced there isn't going to be more problems!

Saturday was one of the typical days of fun with my friend Ben

starting with a trip to my friend Rose's to wish her a Happy Birthday

After tea and cake we headed to The Range to stock up on frames for my front room

and then Homebase

Sunday's painting plans were abandoned when my mum asked if I'd like to join them for lunch. The mere mention of beef casserole and I was sold!

My brother was visiting with my niece and nephew so it was good to catch up with them

All in all another good weekend but I really do need to get on with painting my ceiling!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Blank Canvas

This is how my front room is looking right now and I'm loving it!
The decorating has been hard work but the de-cluttering has been very therapeutic

It's been 2 years since I moved into my flat and my impatience and enthusiasm meant I might not have always done what I really wanted or now own things that are surplus to requirements. This time I've vowed to do things differently, allowing myself time to get things done right (and spread the cost!!) and being realistic about what works with my lifestyle and what I really want

Usually I love clutter around me but it's so nice to return home from work to a blank canvas and knowing that I'm earning some money from items around my home that I no longer want or need has been rewarding

Some things I've discovered along the way...

Just because I like something doesn't mean I need to buy it
Yes the Cath Kidston apron is gorgeous but I've yet to be found wearing one!

One room, draw etc at a time
To avoid boredom or manic eBay overload I've been clearing a section of my front room, photographing & listing the items on eBay and then moving on to the next drawer or cupboard

Be Honest & Realistic
I have sold some things I love but if I haven't used them the past 2 years it was time to get rid. It was a shame to see some lovely craft items go, jewellery or DVDs that I like but if I was never going to use/watch them they were just taking up unnecessary space. I am now left with empty draws which is a wonderful feeling mentally

Make Money
eBay, Amazon and Music Magpie are fantastic sites to earn back some of the money for these unwanted items - eBay especially makes you realise "one man's trash is another man's treasure". It would be vulgar to tell you how much I have earned from eBay this past couple of weeks but let me tell you it was worth the effort and post office trips!

If you haven't already started your January de-clutter I hope this encourages you!

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy Birthday!

More birthday's this week and a very important one... my niece's 1st birthday!

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy Birthday!

I would never say this to his face but I wouldn't be without him for the world! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

No Peeking!

I don't know about you but whilst everyone mocked Candy Spelling for her numerous gift wrap rooms in the Spelling Mansion I was pretty envious!

And then of course there's images such as this 

In addition to the laundry room I dream of one day a small space to wrap presents and gifts is also on my list but for now I've allocated a small area in the shape of my airing cupboard for such a purpose!

The cupboard is unfortunately pretty much unusable for general storage due to the size of the water tank but it's the perfect length for storing rolls of gift wrap - perfect! and there's just enough space to store wrapped gifts still waiting for Father Christmas to distribute and those destined for birthdays this month.

There are also a few misc items that will make ideal presents and the Chanel bag is storing various tags and things!

Ok it's a long way from the dream room I would love but at least when a present needs to be wrapped I can easily access everything I need!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Jewellery from Pandora & Oliver Bonas

I was lucky enough to receive some lovely jewellery for Christmas from friends and family. The Russian Doll Pandora charm and beaded earrings from Oliver Bonas were from mum and the pineapple studs from Kelly

Did you receive any nice jewellery this year?

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