Transformulas may not be a skincare brand you're instantly familiar with but if you've browsed the Duty Free catalogues whilst mid flight you may have spotted it. Transformulas recognise that whilst genetics play a part in the condition of your skin so to does your lifestyle. But they also know that if you add a bit of science to mother natures secret ingredients you will find some great products to tackle those daily stresses.
I was sent two products to try from the vast range of products, Miracle Daily Glycol Priming Cleanser* and Marine Miracle EyeZone* and I've been using them for a few weeks now.
Starting with the Miracle Daily Glycol Cleanser* which is priced at £19.95 for 100ml, just a few pounds more than the equivalent size from Liz Earle. My first thought with many products is how good they are for travel, you'd think I was some sort of globetrotter but this would be a fantastic size and product to take for you and your friends if holidaying for a week. The packaging is simply plastic but it doesn't look cheap and makes it ideal for those journeys abroad or to keep in your gym bags.
Skincare has never been more specific, fussy even and whilst I might be storming through my late thirties I sometimes just want to simply cleanse my skin and not have the effort and faff of double cleansing or massaging in balms and the likes. This priming cleanser is part of the 'Transformulas Promise' to restore a healthier, silkier, younger looking and face and neck. Say no more.
This is a gentle cleansing gel but feels thicker than those I've used previously and a little goes a long way. I'm having to ensure I don't become over enthusiastic when dispensing as you don't need much to cover the whole face. Deep-pore cleansing it also gentle exfoliates and leaves you with fresher skin.
Tested by doctors and experts this very basic looking cleanser really does pack a punch and if you're looking to take the step up from micellar waters or such this is a great product to try.
Slightly more expensive at £41.50 is the Marine Miracle EyeZone* housed in shiny silver circular packaging, hence why you can only see the box in the above photo, it was a nightmare to photograph!
My main cause for concern is often my fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes as well as those dark circles from sleepless nights. This product claims it will restore the condition of your eyes skin tissue (and lips which is great for us smokers) with powerful, five times ultra-concentrated aldavine. Aldavine is a powerful ingredient proven to reduce dark circles, eye puffiness, wrinkles and fine lines. That really does sound a miracle and shows that Transformulas are serious about providing products that allow you to avoid and find alternatives to evasive treatments.
The formula is light, wet and applies easily to the eye area avoiding any dragging to the area to offer instant relief. Despite my recent jet lag and suffering a winter bug and my skin showing the signs, interestingly my eye area remains unaffected thanks to using this product.
Are you familiar with the Transformulas brand?
*this post contains press samples

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