Monday, September 14, 2015

Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep Review

Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep*
I am a big fan of the Vichy, particularly their Idealia range only recently mentioning Idealia eyes in my recent favourites post. The latest addition to the Idealia range is Idealia Skin Sleep* a night time gel balm.

Vichy's first night cream formulated to give you the look of a good nights sleep, even when that's the opposite of the case. What I love most about the Idealia range is Vichy's acknowledgement that life happens. Whether it's because you are suffering sleepless nights due to a new baby or have bad habits such as smoking rather than ignoring them they're accepting and offering solutions.

So back Idealia Skin Sleep. We've all had those mornings when we wake and look grey, and you arrive at work and no amount of make up hides the fact that you've been kept awake from noisy neighbours or worrying about the presentation you're above to give. If you had used Idealia Skin Sleep your colleagues would be none the wiser that you had received the quality of sleep that your skin needs for renewal.

Enriched with glycyrrhhizic acid, hyaluronic acid and caffeine using Idealia Skin Sleep you'll look like you've had the recommended eight hours that isn't always possible. Your signs of fatigue will be reduced, there will be smoother and more radiant complexion without any of that tell tale greyness.

Idealia Skin Sleep is a strange but not unpleasant consistency, not like your typical creams or gels but a combination of the two, that bouncy marshmellow-esq texture we're starting to see around. I actually amused myself during my 'testing process' dare I say fondling the product as it was so unusal. There is a scent to this product which is very fresh and one I like and I can so those who are easier sleeps feel more relaxed after applying this product.

You are provided with some massage techniques to give the product an added boost and aid your relaxation before bed which are not for me. Facial massage makes me feel uncomfortable and more stressed so it's to be avoided but if you like that sort of thing do give it a try.

In conclusion this is a night cream I can definitely get on board with and works fantastically for me and my lifestyle. I wake in the mornings looking more awake than I feel and I've actually found I'm wearing lighter coverages lately as my skin is looking so fresh. 

You'll find Vichy in Boots and it's usually included in their 3 for 2 offers so you can always pick up this up for less than the recommended £26. That said it's a far more affordable option than others on the market and works just as effectively.

Have you tried any products from the Vichy Idealia line?

*This post contains press samples

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  1. Sounds like a really interesting product thanks for an informative review!

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  2. I love Vichy and this sounds like a lovely night cream, will definitely try it once my current ones are finished. x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

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