I was part way through In My Shoes the memoir of Jimmy Choo founder Tamara Mellon and throughly enjoyed reading this to the end. Some of the business 'stuff' went over my head but it was fascinating nonetheless. The family drama was like something out of Dallas.
That said it was somewhat difficult to relate when Tamara was talking about her financial earnings being below par or that she was struggling financially whilst she was able to holiday with Valentino in St Barts or share the home of Christian Slater - oh to be so down on ones luck - but nonethless she was a fighter and rightfully gained control of her finances from a mother who is quite simply awful and made her mark as a business woman.
If you're a fan of gossip mags but want something to read with a little more substance you'll certainly enjoy this book.
I'll Have What She's Having link
I'm not a faddy dieter. I joined weight watchers at 21 and never really strayed into anything else over the years - quite simply I love food to much and am too much of a fussy eater. That said of course we often read magazines about the latest celeb and their recent diet plan, admire their body and think well that sounds quite reasonable living off cabbage soup and 3 almonds.
Of course I've never taken those steps but Rebecca Harrington has. I read a magazine article, a condensed version of the book only a week or two ago and found it quite amusing and thought well lets have a read and see how this 'normal person' managed.
I have subsequently read this book in 2 days. Each chapter is one of the featured celebrities diets from Victoria Beckham to Dolly Parton and they are written in paragraphed sized daily diary entries. Very much like a tomb of magazine articles written by a very amusing and witty author. This is not a 'serious' advice book, this is just the musings of a 'friend' who put themselves through some god awful food concoctions (steak with peanut butter anyone?) in the spirit of journalism.
If you want something fun to read as you embark on summer holidays you'd do well to pick this up rather than magazine, also as I mentioned it's written style makes it perfect to pick up and put down.
By the end of it was I encouraged to try any of these diets? My god no.

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